In Raipur, a young man openly threatened by holding a knife, VIDEO: Posted on social media abusing, wrote – No one came, no one will come

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A trend of posting threatening videos on social media has started in the capital Raipur. Fearlessly the miscreants are uploading videos waving knives. A similar case came to light in which two youths were seen in which one youth first spoke a few lines in a threatening manner. Then the other young man showed the knife in his hand towards the camera and used obscene abuses and made a video.

Similarly, another video of some program surfaced. In this, a young man is dancing in the middle of the crowd while waving a big knife. This video also surfaced from social media.

This viral video has been uploaded on the Instagram account named King of Lucky and Sagar 09.
This viral video has been uploaded on the Instagram account named King of Lucky and Sagar 09.

Wrote in the caption – No one came, no one will come

This viral video has been uploaded on the Instagram account named King of Lucky and Sagar 09. In which two youths are standing wearing caps. Two-three lines are also written in the caption of this viral video. In which he wrote that neither anyone had come nor anyone would come. This is brother’s city, here you will be made to talk about things only. After this he has also written some more lines in a threatening tone. Many people have watched this video so far.

These photos have also been uploaded on social media.
These photos have also been uploaded on social media.

Also uploaded photo with knife

Along with the video, there are also many photos in which the young man is holding a knife. These photos have also been uploaded on social media, so that people can like them after seeing them. Apart from this, there are many more such accounts in social media. In which youth are uploading photos and videos while doing illegal activities.

The young man danced while waving a knife in the crowd and also uploaded it on social media.
The young man danced while waving a knife in the crowd and also uploaded it on social media.

Stunting even on a fast bike

Similarly, videos of stunting are also being uploaded on many accounts on social media. Youths perform deadly stunts while riding fast bikes and then upload it. However, Raipur Police claims that action is being taken against such stuntmen. But this stunting is not stopping due to challan action.