New Delhi. In today’s busy lifestyle, people do not have enough time to maintain a healthy diet and this is the reason why people are facing many diseases due to unhealthy diet. The report of the Indian Council of Medical Research has claimed that unhealthy food is the cause of about 57% of diseases in India. It has been told in this report that in a balanced diet, not more than 45 percent of calories should be obtained from millets.

Up to 15 percent of calories should come from pulses, beans and meat. The report recommends that vegetables, fruits and tubers constitute half of the diet. The second part is of grains and millet. After this come pulses, non-veg, eggs, dry fruits, oilseeds and milk/curd. Research has also revealed that unhealthy food products with high fat, sugar and salt are now more easily available than healthy food products.
It has been said in the report that the problem of overweight and obesity is increasing due to wrong eating habits. It also states that a large portion of children are suffering from nutritional deficiency.