Hooliganism in a chicken centre: Employees beat up the young men who went to eat

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 Kawardha. The employees of Devangan Chicken Center located at the city bus stand beat up a young man who had gone to eat food. CCTV footage of this has also surfaced, in which the hooliganism of the employees of the chicken center is clearly visible.

According to the information received, two youths reached a chicken centre where they ordered food, but the employees did not bring the food that they had ordered. They had an argument over this and the matter escalated so much that 10 to 12 employees together beat up both the youths. Due to this

The youth filed a case against the employees of the chicken center, where the police have registered a case against the accused. Further action is underway. Let us tell you that this is not the first time that a case of fighting has been reported in this chicken center. Incidents of fighting have been reported here every day.

Watch the video –

, the youth suffered serious head injuries.