Lucknow. Poet Kumar Vishwas had made a sharp statement on Baba Ramdev’s salt the previous day. Now Baba Ramdev has retaliated on Kumar Vishwas’ statement. Baba Ramdev said, he is a poet, unless he says a few such things, how will his business run?
Baba Ramdev also said that Kumar Vishwas’s father and his mother are my devotees. When both of them come in front of me, they come with folded hands. Whenever Kumar Vishwas goes to his home, his father scolds him and tells him to stop speaking ill about Baba.
Let us tell you that yesterday poet Kumar Vishwas while giving a statement about Baba Ramdev’s salt had said that he sells his product in such a way that if you do not buy it, you will have to resign from Sanatan Dharma that very day. It was written on the packet – Salt extracted from 25 lakh years old Himalayas. He also said that the expiry date was written as 7th February in the bottom corner.