Gariaband: MNREGA’s important role in strengthening the livelihood of the people: One lakh unskilled laborers are getting employment in the district

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Gariaband, 06 March 2021.  Collector and District Program in 336 Gram Panchayats of Gariaband once again, under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, during the Corona period in District Gariaband, as per the commitment of providing employment to the villagers in the village itself. According to the instructions of Coordinator Shri Nilesh Kshirsagar and Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Shri Chandrakant Verma,
a strategy is being worked out to provide employment to the active laborers in each gram panchayats, adequate employment in each gram panchayat and its dependent villages. In order to ensure the availability of labor-intensive work such as pond construction, dabari construction, pond deepening, land improvement, drain cleaning, etc., work is being done, and the lower level officers and employees are encouraged
In the present situation, due to this, more than one lakh unskilled laborers are able to generate employment in their village. Let it be known that Mahatma Gandhi NREGA is the biggest scheme with a view to providing employment. Which is paid at the rate of Rs. 190 per day based on the work of unskilled laborers. Along with employment,
it plays an important role in water conservation, water promotion, land development, plantation, work for self-help groups, community and individual oriented works and creation of permanent assets for rural infrastructure .
Provided employment to more than one lakh workers per day during the Corona period in District Gariaband under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA
It was made, due to which the villagers were able to get employment in the village itself and the migrant workers did not get remodeled. Against the total 97 lakh 41 thousand man days supplied to the district gariaband for the financial year 2020-21, 73 percent man days have been created and 97 percent wages are being paid on time, due to which the laborers are being given work. Enthusiastic, more and more people are coming forward to work under MNREGA, as a result more than 1 lakh workers are working under MNREGA scheme. In a new initiative in the district Gariaband, land reforms, dabri construction, well construction, pond construction are being done in the land of the beneficiaries who want to do agriculture in the pattari land obtained under forest rights, under which the farmers can work in their land. As well as receiving the amount of money, Under which the farm is also being constructed. Seeing the above, other farmers are also taking the above works in their land and at the same time plantation, agriculture, body development work and fisheries are being done. As a result, MNREGA is playing an important role in strengthening his livelihood.