Gariaband: Collector inspects vaccination and isolation centers in Mainpur: Instructions to prepare list of persons aged above 18 years from now

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Gariaband 20 April 2021. Collector and District Magistrate Nilesh Kumar Kshirsagar conducted a intensive inspection of the ongoing vaccination and isolation center in Mainpur development block. Inspected.
During the inspection, the Collector instructed to vaccinate the people in the vaccination center as per the corona guideline. In the vaccination center, people were asked to wear masks and maintain a distance of two yards. There should be no unnecessary crowd in the vaccination center. Keep in mind. For the prevention and control of corona infection, instructions were given to the concerned authorities to take adequate precautions, including safety. During this time, the Collector also discussed with the people coming to the Corona Vaccination Center to vaccinate and ask the people living around the house. He also asked to inspire vaccination. After being vaccinated, he was asked to follow the rules of Kovid while being alert to Kovid. He said that people above 45 years of age must be vaccinated. Also instructed to prepare the list of persons above the age of 18 years in advance. Regarding the availability of vaccine in the Zidar Vaccination Center by the Collector. When asked, the medical officer said that sufficient quantity would be available. The Collector has directed to ensure availability of quality food, water and all necessary facilities at the isolation centers during which SDM Suraj Sahu was present.

Collector Mr. Kshirsagar inspected the 70-bed Kovid-19 Care Center being prepared in Bhatigarh during the inspection. Here he directed the SDM for proper arrangement of food, electricity and doctors. Checked out the ongoing vaccination program at the Mainpur Community Health Center and observed the 10 bed oxygen beds prepared there. He instructed to arrange an ambulance and clean the center. The collector also instructed those above 18 years of age to plan for vaccination from now on, to train nurses and to make a list of other dosages. Subdivisional officer Suraj Sahu said that Kovid vaccination is being done in the block through 25 vaccination sessions. So far more than 14 thousand people have been vaccinated.