Gariaband: 64 percent of people in the age group of 45 plus got first dose vaccine

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Gariaband 12 April 2021. The ongoing immunization drive to prevent corona infection in the district has gained momentum. Immunization of citizens above 45 years of age continues with rapid intensity from 01 April. Along with this, Kovid testing is also being done on a large scale. The target is to vaccinate one lakh 26 thousand 500 citizens of this category in the district. According to the target, 78 thousand 430 people in the 45 plus age group have been given the first dose and 1539 people have been given the second dose. As of April 11, a total of 87 thousand 365 people have received the first dose vaccine. Which is 64 percent of the total target. At the same time, the second dose has also been completed for 10 percent people, that is 08 thousand 402 people. On the instructions of the collector, the number of testing has also been increased to prevent infection. So far, one lakh 11 thousand 861 samples have been collected. Out of which 6 thousand 138 positive cases have been found. There is a provision of RTPCR, antigen and trunat for corona testing in the district.
Collector Shri Kshirsagar has appealed to the common citizens to get tested for prevention of infection of corona by following the rules of vaccination, mask and social distancing on a priority basis. At the same time, all officers and employees have also been instructed to compulsorily conduct vaccinations and corona tests as per eligibility.
Proper arrangements have been made for vaccination at 73 session sites in the district. It is known that in the past the number of session sites was limited to 30, which has been increased to 73. Citizens above 45 years of age are getting vaccinated at the vaccination centers. According to the information, a total of 827 sessions have been vaccinated through the district. In the first vaccination campaign started from January 16, 5 thousand 860 health care workers have been given the first dose and of these 4 thousand 804 workers have been given the second dose vaccine. Similarly, in the second phase starting from 06 February, the first dose for 3 thousand 75 frontline workers and the second dose of vaccine for 2 thousand 59 frontline workers has been completed.
According to the development-wise data, vaccination has been done in the Fingeshwar block. Here, 24554 in the first dose and 1933 in the second dose have been vaccinated. In Chhaura development block, 22 thousand 875 people have been given the first dose and 1 thousand 875 people have been given the second dose. 21298 in first dose and 2228 in second dose, 11911 in first dose in Manipur block and 1673 in second dose and 6702 in first dose in Devbhog development block and 693 in second dose have been vaccinated in Gariaband block.

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