Former CM Raman Singh said: On the Dantewada Naxalite incident, former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh said that the Naxalite incident is very sad for the state.

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Raipur. On the Dantewada Naxal incident, former Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh said that the Naxal incident is very sad for the state. There is mourning in the homes of 11 families of Chhattisgarh. I express my condolences to his family members. Some families have lost their son, brother and some have lost their husband. It is unfortunate that the Chief Minister is doing politics in such a moment of mourning.

Dr. Raman said that the situation before and today cannot be compared. Martyrdom is martyrdom. With their bravery, the soldiers of Chhattisgarh used to fight earlier also and even today they have been martyred while fighting. Martyrs cannot be compared, nor can the bravery of the police be weighed. The former Chief Minister said that the public remembers the situation from Bastar to Surguja. When it used to be difficult to go out in Surguja during the day, how the entire Bastar was affected. The situation that has changed today, has changed because of the courage and bravery of our police personnel.