Food please, not flowers: As Armed Forces choppers drop petals on hospitals, Twitter users are angry

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New Delhi 4 May 2020 . The money could be better spent on procuring personal protection equipment for healthcare workers and ensuring migrant workers reach home, many said.

Indian Air Force and Navy helicopters on Sunday showered flower petals on hospitals across India treating Covid-19 patients, while Indian Air Force planes conducted flypasts as a gesture of gratitude to doctors, nurses and other workers on the frontline fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic.

This gesture was greeted with anger and ridicule by Twitter users, just like Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s request to Indians to bang thalis on March 22 in a similar sign of gratitude and the mass exercise of lighting candles in a demonstration of solidarity on the evening of April 5.

Several Twitter users questioned the need for spending tax money on such spectacles when healthcare workers have been reported to be short of vital personal protection equipment and the stranded migrant workers travelling home in special trains are being made to pay for their trips.