Exemplary initiative: Going against the current section, State Vice President of Chhattisgarh Kisan Congress Shailesh Singh changed the picture of the school
Changed the picture of the state-owned school building, set an example without any government support
Monitoring with CCTV camera, Fountain with better decoration, number of students also increased
School Building after renovation
Raipur / ambikapur @ the-journalist.com: The previous BJP government had prepared to demolish the state-run government high sala, Sitapur’s Jarjar Bhawan, but state vice president of Chhattisgarh Kisan Congress Shailesh Singh has changed the picture of the school by going opposite the stream . This is a school where surveillance is done with CCTV cameras. Fountain is fitted with better decoration. The number of students has also increased with the increase in video. The test results have also improved.
Sitapur had become a major center of education before independence. Since 1931, the primary school was started here. In
School Building before renovation
the state itself, where the school building was built. The exterior here was grand. Later, due to lack of maintenance and no repairs, the building was dilapidated. A round came when water started filling in the khapar posh rooms of the school building. Many rooms were in a state of collapse.
The number of students began to decrease due to chaos and problems. In such a reverse phase, the initiative of returning the old glorious form of the school was done by District President of Sitapur and Chairman of Education Standing Committee, Shailesh Singh. In the admitted BJP regime, he contacted the acquaintances and apprised them of the historical nature of the Shala Bhavan and hoped to cooperate with the children to overcome the problem of the actual condition of the school about one and a half years ago. Shailesh Singh urged the School Education Department to preserve the building due to the historical significance of the building, but no hearing was held. Then he pledged to do this work at his expense. He pioneered the redesign of the building by investing funds himself. Acquaintances also helped him in his charitable work. Which helped in shaping the school building. Shailesh Singh, without official use, rejuvenated Nasrat Dhawan but also increased facilities and resources. Today, everyone is appreciating this initiative.
Sitapur district vice-president Shailesh Singh pledged to return the old glory of Higher Secondary School, then the BJP government of that time created many obstacles in front of him. Some people also complained to the then collector about his personal initiative, although the then collector explained to the complainants that Shailesh Singh is working in the interest of the students. Then the disturbed Santoshi tried his best to influence the teaching work going on in the school, which initially led to a lot of difficulty in rebuilding the Sala phone.
Hard earned money in social service
About 20 to 25 lakh rupees were spent in redesigning Sitapur High Secondary School. In seeking such a huge amount, he took help from friends living in Indore, acquaintances of Ambikapur and members already associated with Dhaurpur and Lakhanpur. Shailesh Singh is a big farmer, farming is his main occupation. Neither do the contract nor do any other work. They are spending a lot of money in social service at a young age. As a result, they are popular in all classes today.
These facilities have been developed
The form of the school has returned to its old grand form, the school has been rejuvenated and made fully equipped. The shed has been replaced with a new thing. The floor is done. Smart class facilities are being provided. A magnificent entrance gate has been built. The campus has attractive lighting. The fountain has been installed. The seating and lighting of the rooms have been improved. A large clock has been installed in the main section of the school building. CCTV camera has been installed. School activities can be observed in mobile.
Attachment to school and children
District vice president Singh did not study in this school, but the result of the plantation is that he took the responsibility of rejuvenating the school. They support not only Sitapur but also the government and non-government schools of Mainpat development block from time to time. He also has an important contribution in advancing the game and the players. Every year also many children provide sports material and uniforms to children. The planet village adjacent to Sitapur is convenient to move.
This moral obligation of every public representative
TS Singh Dev, Health Minister, Government of Chhattisgarh
“He is happy that the old school building of Sitapur has been redesigned. It is also the moral responsibility of the people’s representatives to work in accordance with the people’s aspirations. Community participation and cooperation of all is also necessary. Better facilities are being provided in schools even from the government level. We all should try to ensure that students get better facilities in teaching. ”
Work done in collaboration with all
Shailesh Singh, District Vice President, Sitapur
“Higher secondary school has a different identity from the state era. When I saw the sadness of Shala Bhavan, I suffered a lot. I pledged to return the old building to Shala Bhavan. The acquaintances joined together and the work once started was not interrupted due to this. Efforts have been made to provide better facilities to the children. My heartfelt desire is that the children of every government and non-government schools should study only in schools with facilities. ”