Election ruckus in the chamber: Sundarani said – secretly the people of Parwani changed the rules, got the answer – they are saying anything for headlines

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Nothing is going well in Chhattisgarh Chamber of Commerce. The group of former president Srichand Sundarani has made serious allegations against the current state president Amar Parwani and his associates. The matter is related to eligibility to contest elections. Complaining about secretly changing the rules, Sundarani has sought a reply from Amar Parwani within 7 days. He has given an ultimatum to go to court regarding the matter.

On the other hand, the Chamber has said regarding this matter that Sundarani is alleging anything just to come in the headlines. Changes have been made in the rules for contesting elections in the Chamber, whatever changes have happened have happened as per the rules only. Sundarani’s allegations are baseless.

Sundarani has sent this letter seeking a reply from the Chamber President within 7 days.
Sundarani has sent this letter seeking a reply from the Chamber President within 7 days.

what is the matter after all

On April 27, a meeting was held in the Chamber of Commerce’s building located in Bombay Market. This was a special public meeting. In this the Chamber approved changes in the constitution of the organization. The change was that from now on any officer for the post of President, General Secretary and Treasurer will be able to contest elections again after completing two terms.

Earlier the rule was that a person who has held these posts twice cannot contest elections. This rule was changed. Srichand Sundarani, former chamber president and MLA from Raipur North, has objection to this.

Srichand said- If the Chamber gives proof of giving information to all the people, then he will apologize.
Srichand said- If the Chamber gives proof of giving information to all the people, then he will apologize.

Srichand Sundarani told Dainik Bhaskar in this whole matter that when we had brought these rules, the intention was that new people should get opportunities. But these people ignored the rules of the organization and changed the rules.

Now, no matter how many times someone has held the position, if he contests the elections, how will new people get a chance? There is also a process to change these rules, all traders had to be informed. Didn’t even tell me. Deliberately called a meeting of 200-300 of his people and approved the changes.

What is the chamber saying on the allegation

State Executive President of Chamber of Commerce, Vikram Singhdev said in this matter that the allegations are baseless, he should not say such things. He knows all the rules. A general meeting was held on 27 January, businessmen from all over the state had come. CM Vishnudev Sai had come, proposals were made there and then as per the rules, a meeting was called in the Chamber office on 27th April. This information was given to every businessman of the entire state through post and media.

We followed this, says Chamber's Executive President Vikram Singhdev.
We followed this, says Chamber’s Executive President Vikram Singhdev.

Vikram further said that Sundarani is talking nonsense, the Chamber is her alma mater. Today our organization consists of 25 thousand traders. Will we follow the old rules, they have changed according to today’s needs. You can come and get all the information in the Chamber office. When he had to raise the issue, he had to talk at that very moment, why did he not come to the general meeting? Would have protested there.

understand what allegations are being made

  • Allegation- The meeting took place without informing anyone.
  • Answer: The information was sent by post, Rs 4 lakhs were spent on it, there is a receipt for the same.
  • Allegation- Rules were changed to achieve selfish ends.
  • Answer- Due to the rule which was there earlier, even Sundarani was not able to contest elections, now she can also contest.
A meeting was held in the Chamber's office in Raipur, after which a dispute took place.
A meeting was held in the Chamber’s office in Raipur, after which a dispute took place.

Amar Parwani kept distance from media

Dainik Bhaskar also spoke to Chamber of Commerce state president Amar Parwani to discuss this matter. He refused to give any statement on this. When asked why Amar Parwani is not talking about this matter in the media, State Executive President of the Chamber, Vikram Singhdev said that the State President is busy in the meeting, when the time comes, he will talk openly on this.

What will be the effect of this change?

Chamber elections are to be held in July-August. Current state president Amar Parwani has completed his two-year tenure. The person who has been president twice has got the right to contest elections after the change. It is clear that Parwani can contest elections. Srichand Sundarani is the opposition leader of Parwani, he is against this change.

Parvani’s supporters believe that Sundarani is nervous about the contest. On the other hand, traders of the Sundarani group believe that this will not give opportunities to new traders. This controversy has arisen out of this tussle of ideas, Sundarani is now taking legal advice in this matter and is in a mood to go to court.

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