Duty of Revenue Inspectors and Patwaris in the pumps: Collector held a meeting of petrol pump operators, said – be careful of rumours, action will be taken against those spreading misleading news.

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Mungeli. Collector Rahul Dev today held a meeting of petrol pump operators of the district in the District Collectorate and took information regarding the availability of petrol, diesel, current situation and transportation. During this, the operators informed about the problems faced during petrol and diesel transportation. The Collector promised to provide every possible help to the operators and also to provide daily stock availability information to the District Administration. The Collector told the operators that CCTV cameras should operate smoothly in all petrol pumps for security reasons. If any person is trying to spoil the law and order in the petrol pump by arguing or in any other way, then immediately provide information to the administration, so that strict action can be taken against the concerned person as per rules. Revenue Inspectors and Patwaris have been deployed. duty
The Collector said that keeping in view the statewide strike of divers, the duty of revenue inspectors and patwaris has been imposed in petrol pumps to ensure the availability of petrol and diesel in the district. Also, toll free numbers 9406275513 and 8641002203 have been issued for convenience at petrol pumps. He instructed the SDM, Tehsildar and Naib Tehsildar to keep a strict vigil on the stock of petrol and diesel in their respective areas and establish mutual coordination with the police administration officials to take action against those who disturb law and order.

He said that the common people should not face any problem. The Collector appointed Additional Collector Vijendra Singh Patle as the nodal officer for the supply of petrol-diesel and domestic gas in the district and directed to establish coordination with the concerned department and provide information about stock availability in the district every day. The Collector has appealed to the people not to pay attention to any kind of misleading news and to give information about those spreading rumors to the district administration.