Durg. The work of cheating poor women has started in the district under the guise of Mahtari Vandan Yojana. The situation is such that right from Anganwadi to the MIC members of the corporation are engaged in illegal recovery. Women are being charged Rs 20 each for signing the form. Now after the video went viral in this matter, BJP councilors have demanded the dismissal of the Congress councilor and MIC member of Risali Corporation. Besides, a letter has also been written to Divisional Commissioner Durg in this regard. In fact, as of February 14, more than 2.5 lakh applications for Mahtari Vandan Yojana have been submitted in Durg district. For this, the Collector has imposed duties on the corporation, Anganwadi workers and other departments. Along with this, leaders and officials of BJP and Congress are also cooperating in this work. But amidst all this, a case of taking money from poor women to fill or sign forms has come to light in Durg district. Its video is going viral in social media. Which is of Bhilai Power House area.
100 rupees were being charged for the form, if the dispute escalates then it will be returned
Here an Anganwadi worker was taking 100 rupees from women in exchange for filling the Mahtari Vandan Yonja form. When BJP workers came to know about this, they created a ruckus. Later, when the matter escalated, the Anganwadi worker returned the money taken to the women. When its video went viral, the Corporation Commissioner and Collector directed the Women and Child Development Department officials to take action. After this, that Anganwadi worker has been dismissed from service.
I sign the forms night after night – Councilor
The second case is of Risali Municipal Corporation, a video of the Congress councilor and MIC member here has gone viral. In this video, she is taking Rs 20 each for signing the marriage certificate of women. Whereas the councilor has to do this work free of charge. Even after the release of the video of the councilor taking the money, no action has been taken against him till now. This is the same councilor who, showing dominance during the Congress rule, surrounded the public road and laid claim to his house. When the councilor was talked to about the matter, he said that he signs people’s forms till 11 pm. . Some women who reached the councilor said that Rs 20 each is being charged for getting the form signed. However, one of these women said that the councilor has not taken any money from her.