Do remedies on Holika Dahan, your wishes will be fulfilled…

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Remedies to be taken on Holika Dahan

  • Burn 5 cloves and camphor and apply it on your forehead. You can do this remedy every day.
  • Beat a dry coconut on itself and throw it in the fire of Holika Dahan. You will get relief from bad effects and diseases. Also, on the day of Holika Dahan, take 2 whole cloves and dip them in ghee. After this, in the evening, put the cloves soaked in ghee in the fire along with betel leaves and batasha in Holika Dahan.
  • Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi on the day of Holi provides relief from all kinds of problems. Positive thoughts come to mind. On this day, one gets relief from troubles by waking up in the morning, taking a royal bath and doing charity. On this day, feeding the hungry and donating clothes brings happiness and prosperity. On this day, feeding a Brahmin and giving him Dakshina is also considered auspicious.
  • Circumambulate the Holi fire 3, 5, or 7 times. Spread the smoke of Holika Dahan throughout the house. This is considered very auspicious. 
  •  Take a betel leaf, a betel nut, a turmeric and go to Lord Shiva’s temple on the morning of Holika Dahan and offer it on Shiva Lingam. This remedy has to be done continuously for 7 days. With this remedy the obstacles in marriage are removed.
  • For prosperity, take a coconut with one eye and keep it in a red cloth. Hang it in your safe or your shop on the day of Holika Dahan.
  • If any member of your family often suffers from evil eyes, then on the day of Holika Dahan, you should rub ubta on hi body and put him in the burning Holika. It is believed that by doing this remedy on Holi, all the negative powers are removed and there is no risk of evil eye in future.
  • If someone does not return your hard-earned money, then take a stick of orange tree and go to Holika Dahan. Write the name of the person on the earth from whom you want to take your hard-earned money. Then take green gulal and spread it all around on your written name. Pray to Holika Mata that that person returns your money soon.
  • On the day of Holi, do not meet any worker empty-handed and if you find someone in need, donate food and money to him/her. By doing this your wishes will definitely be fulfilled.