Gariaband. 15 check posts have been made at three ends of Devbhog surrounded by Odisha border to stop illegal transportation of paddy, yet illegal transportation is not stopping. Tehsildar Chitesh Devangan seized the pickup full of paddy that reached Devbhog town after crossing the check post and handed it over to the police. There were 60 sacks of paddy in the pickup.
Two officers are seen together in the border area but no action is taken
After this action of the Tehsildar, questions have started being raised on the check post. Apart from this, there is a lot of discussion about the pair of a senior officer and assistant officer of the subdivision. It is said that this pair is seen constantly visiting the border areas. Be it night or day, their team is constantly raiding, but apart from the 3 pickup trucks caught 15 days ago, there has been no increase in the number of actions taken against vehicles carrying illegal transportation.

Today, the fourth pickup has been caught due to the efforts of the Tehsildar. The Collector has also started taking cognizance of the matter. It is said that an additional team of two officers of the district has been formed, which will take action against illegal transportation apart from half-hearted action.