Demand for removal of Triple IT director, employees and students sitting on strike, made many serious allegations

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 Raipur. All the academic-non-academic staff and students of the institute held a big demonstration today demanding the removal of Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Director of Triple IT Naya Raipur. Many allegations were made against the director and the recruitment process draft was also burnt.

According to the employees, huge financial irregularities, recruitment scams, misuse of government resources, ignoring the Act of the institute, arbitrarily twisting and distorting the rules to give benefits to their favourites, have been happening in the institute for many years, only for the sake of their favourites. Removing salary discrepancies, deliberately delaying promotions of employees and trying to give benefits to their favorites by making new rules against the rules. In the institute, there are many issues related to qualified academic staff continuously leaving the institute or forcing their resignations, putting pressure on their reporting officers to give forceful notices to the employees, calling the employees to their office and asking them to resign or threatening to look after them. The employees made hundreds of written complaints from the board of the institute to the government administration, but seeing no action being taken on this, there is anger among the employees and students of the institute. Apart from this, the students were angry on many issues including the institute being declared a defaulter by the UGC and the inappropriate behavior of the director.

Recently, as soon as the director of the institute brought the new recruitment rules for the employees, all the employees of the institute became agitated and were sitting on strike outside the director’s office for the last 48 hours, but due to the stubbornness of the institute management, first the academic staff and then the institute All the students also became agitated and all of them in one voice raised the demand to relieve Director Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha from his post.

Regarding the outline of their performance, the employees and students have organized a big meeting in the institute on Monday, in which the future strategy will be discussed. You may be aware that in the recent recruitment rules, the Director made the posts like Registrar and CFAO educational to give benefits to his favorites. He increased the contractual tenure of his desired officer to 5 years, which was against the Act. By making three constitutions in an institute, the employees of the institute were divided. A conspiracy was hatched to harass the employees by making many changes, including recruitment against the reservation rules, so that if the employees raised any voice against the Director, their future could be spoiled by harassing them.

Apart from this, in order to defame the state governance, efforts were also being made to tarnish the image of the government among the employees and students of the institute by portraying every subject as state governance. In view of all these circumstances, everyone has unanimously demanded the immediate removal of Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sinha from Raj Bhavan and the state government.