CPI-M protest day: Protests with placards held in homes in Raipur due to lockdown

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Raipur September 22, 2020. The Marxist Communist Party has been staging a nationwide protest from September 17 to 22 over changes in agricultural laws to be passed in Parliament and changes in labor laws. Due to the lock-down, activists voiced their protest outside their house with a plank.

Financial assistance of Rs 7500 per month should be given to all the families outside the income tax for next six months.
All needy people should be given 10 kg of food grains per person per month for the next six months.
Expand MNREGA and announce unemployment allowances for all unemployed by implementing Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme by ensuring 200 days of work a year at increased wage rate.
Party workers followed the physical distance and coveted rules in front of their homes to demand immediate curbs on communal divisive policies by protecting the Indian Constitution as well as guaranteeing fundamental rights like freedom, equality and brotherhood for all citizens of the country. Performed.

CPI-M state secretary board member Dharmaraj Mohapatra and district secretary Pradeep Gabneh said that in the Raipur district of the CPI (M) from 10 am to 10.15 am, along with their family members and colleagues in their homes, Balkanis, people in more than 24 settlements in the city Performed in their homes and settlements.

These demonstrations were led by party state secretary board members, Dharmaraj Mahapatra and district secretary Pradeep Gabneh, SC Bhattacharya, Sheetal Patel, Rajesh Awasthi, Ratna Gondane, Manoj Dewangan etc.

The CPI (M) leaders said that the destruction of privatization of the entire health system is suffering today, the condition is that the number of infected people is increasing manifold and the number of deaths due to infection is increasing even faster than before. And the whole economy has come to a standstill. After this failure, the way the Modi government has left the entire responsibility on the states, it is clear that it has left its responsibilities to the common people and left them to die. He said that the corporate government and anti-people policies of Modi government have a big role in demolishing the country’s economy. As a result, neither the corona epidemic has been controlled in the country nor any steps have been taken to provide relief to the general public. The general public has reached the brink of unemployment, starvation and poverty. The livelihood of 150 million people in the unorganized sector is over and agriculture and farming is destroyed.

The only way to get out of this is to deliver the cash in the hands of the general public and meet its health and food requirements, so that its purchasing power is increased and market demand is created. It needs “cash, not debt” as a relief, because the crisis in the economy is not of supply but of demand.

That is why the Communist Party of Marxist gave cash of Rs 7500 monthly to all the families outside the income tax for the next six months and 10 kg of food grains to each person free every month; Provide 200 days of work to MNREGA laborers and extend this scheme to the urban poor as well; In the MGNREGA wage rate should be given equal to minimum wage and unemployment allowance should be given to all unemployed; Demand to stop plunder of national property, prohibit privatization of public sector, and a conspiracy to abolish labor laws and agricultural laws.