CORONAVIRUS Shops in Delhi will open on odd-even basis; buses, taxis will ply with restrictions, barber shops and spas will remain shut: CM Arvind Kejriwal

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Addressing a press conference vie video-conferencing, the AAP chief said, “Barber shops, spas and saloons will remain closed for now. Stepping out of homes between 7 pm to 7 am, except for essential services will be prohibited. Taxis and cabs will be allowed but only 2 passengers at a time in a car.’’

Kejriwal announced opening of shops in markets on odd-even basis and running of buses with only 20 passengers, but said Metro services, schools, colleges, cinema halls, spas and saloons will remain closed.

Elaborating on Delhi government’s plan based on the Centre’s latest guidelines, Kejriwal; said, “Restaurants can open for home-delivery, but dining facility will not be allowed. Similarly, Metro, shopping malls, religious gathering will remain banned in Delhi’s lockdown 4.0.’’’

“Private offices can open at full strength, but they should try that most of the staff works from home. Markets can open but shops will open on odd

even basis. Sports complexes & stadiums can open but without spectators, ’Delhi Chief Minister said.

The Chief Minister said, “We have to gradually move towards opening the economy. We used the lockdown period to make arrangements to deal with COVID-19.”

People boarding buses in the city will have to be screened first, he said, adding that four-wheeler vehicles, including taxis, will be allowed with only two passengers.

Two-wheelers will be permitted but no pillion riders, the Chief Minister said.

“Construction activities and trucks carrying goods will be allowed in Delhi,” he said adding trans-border workers not allowed

‘’Construction activities are allowed in the national capital now but only with labourers who are in Delhi right now’s Kejriwal said.

Religious gatherings are barred in the city till May 31, the chief minister said, adding a total of 50 people can attend marriage functions, while 20 people can take part in funerals.

The AAP chief also said that markets can be opened with staggered timings but warned that those shops in Delhi not following social distancing will be shut down.

The Delhi Chief Minister had earlier made it clear that he would take steps to reopen Delhi as much as possible in lockdown 4.0 but hinted that he would prefer a phased removal of the lockdown.

It may be recalled that on May 4, CM Kejriwal had said Delhi was prepared to ease restrictions “in places other than containment zones” because Delhi is “prepared in terms of hospitals and kits”.

“The time has come to re-open Delhi. We will have to be ready to live with coronavirus,” he had said.

Meanwhile, the Centre on Sunday (May 17) said that states and Union Territories can demarcate red, orange, and green zones in order to manage coronavirus COVID-19 containment activities from Monday (May 18).

Union Health Secretary Preeti Sudan sent a letter to all state chief secretaries and listed out the factors that the states must keep in mind while classifying districts in different zones and follow ground-level action.