Congress is not able to gather courage… It has understood that their defeat is certain, Minister Netam surrounded with Lok Sabha candidate list

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Nurses of Chhattisgarh are not celebrating Women’s Day. The reason is their stalled salary. Nurses had agitated with health workers last year. Salary for the period of agitation has been stopped. Women are upset due to lack of order to issue it. He has said that we wrote many letters and submitted memorandums but our views were not listened to.

Women are facing financial problems due to the delay in withdrawal of salaries during the agitation period of Chhattisgarh Health Federation. Nurses are being affected due to not getting departmental permission for higher education.

Salary stopped due to nurses' agitation
Salary stopped due to nurses’ agitation

Organization official Reena Rajput said that assurance was received that decisions would be taken in the cabinet on both the subjects. But due to no decision being taken in the interest of the employees, all the employees of the Medical Education Department and Health Services are demoralized. Therefore, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, women of the health department are distancing themselves from the programs. We want that the demands related to salary and permission for higher education should be fulfilled as soon as possible.

Such strictness is not right.
The protesting women said that we are not getting departmental permission for higher education because we had agitated. This kind of strictness is not fair with the women employees who are fighting for their rights. The Sangh opposes such strictness.