Congress and BJP face to face on the issue of corruption

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Raipur. Assembly elections are near. BJP and Congress leaders are not holding back from accusing each other. Once again Congress and BJP are face to face on the issue of corruption. Congress MLA Dr. Vinay Jaiswal has accused former BJP MLA Shyambihari Jaiswal of land scam. At the same time, the former BJP MLA has also lashed out at Vinay Jaiswal, accusing him of hiding his brother’s corruption. Congress MLA Dr. Vinay Jaiswal has accused former BJP MLA Shyambihari Jaiswal of grabbing 10 acres of forest land. is accused of. They say that the lease of tribal land has been taken wrongly. Along with this, he also said that Shyambihari has acquired more than 100 acres of land in the Raman government. There is land in the name of husband-wife and family in 4 panchayats. On the other hand, on the allegation of Congress MLA Dr. Vinay Jaiswal, former BJP MLA Shyambihari Jaiswal retaliated and called him a liar. He said, Vinay Jaiswal is doing propaganda to hide his brother’s corruption. MLA’s brother has made a mistake of 18 lakhs in road construction. Get the investigation done instead of accusing me. Neither I nor my family have received the forest rights letter. It is the Congress government, get the investigation done, get the FIR done. Don’t hide corruption by making false allegations.