CM Sai said to his daughters – Increase the honor of Chhattisgarh: Tableau of Muria Darbar will be seen on the duty path on January 26, the team left.

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On the path of duty on January 26, the country will see the unique culture of Chhattisgarh. A tableau focusing on Muria Darbar, the primitive people’s parliament of the state, will be seen there. For this, Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai talked to the girls of the Jhanki team leaving for New Delhi on Saturday.

Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai told the girls that it is a matter of great fortune for all of us that on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day, the tableau of Chhattisgarh is being displayed in the duty path of the capital Delhi. This time from Chhattisgarh, all of you are going to Delhi for the tableau focused on Muria Darbar. Many congratulations to all of you. When CM Sai came to know about the girls going to Delhi, he asked them to talk on video call. The girls spoke while they were at Durg railway station to catch their train to Delhi. CM said that the daughters of Chhattisgarh have always raised the name of the state. Today once again we have got an opportunity to perform excellently at the national level.

The Chief Minister further said that the eyes of the whole world remain on our India during the Republic Day Parade. This is an opportunity where one gets a chance to become aware of the art culture of the country. All these girls have got the opportunity to represent the great and ancient tribal Indian culture of Chhattisgarh. Commissioner of Public Relations Department Mayank Srivastava informed the Chief Minister that this year the tableau of Chhattisgarh state on Republic Day will be on the theme given by the Government of India – India, Mother of Democracy. based on. The tableau of Chhattisgarh, the primitive people’s parliament of Bastar, Muria Darbar, shows the democratic consciousness and traditions present in the tribal society since ancient times.

Even after 75 years of independence, it is alive and prevalent in Bastar division of the state. After a tough competition among 28 states of the country, Chhattisgarh’s tableau Bastar’s Primitive People’s Parliament Muria Darbar has been selected for the Republic Day Parade to be held in New Delhi this year.

16 out of 28 states have been selected for the parade to be held on the duty path in New Delhi. The unique theme and design of the tableau managed to impress the expert committee of the Defense Ministry. In this tableau, the Muria court of Jagdalpur and the Limau king have been depicted under the central theme of Primitive People’s Parliament. It is noteworthy that this tableau presents the story of the birth and development of democracy in India. The front part of the tableau shows that the tribal society of Bastar has been female dominated since ancient times till now. A woman in her traditional attire is depicted presenting her views. In the central part, the primitive people’s parliament of Bastar has been depicted, which is known as Muria Darbar.

Muria Darbar is a meaningful democratic and universally recognized attraction of Bastar Dussehra. The reverse side of the tableau depicts a place named Limau Raja situated in Bade Dongar, the ancient capital of Bastar. According to folklore, in ancient times, when there was no king, the tribal society used to take decisions amongst themselves by placing a lemon on a natural stone throne.

The tableau has been decorated with bellmetal and terracotta crafts of the craft tradition of the tribal society. Nandi of Belmetal craft is a symbol of social confidence and cultural beauty. The elephant of terracotta sculpture is a symbol of power of the people.