Raipur. CM Sai has expressed condolences over the accident that took place on VIP Road in the capital. He tweeted on his social media account and wrote that the sad news has been received about the death of 2 people and injuries to many others due to the collapse of an under-construction building in the capital Raipur.
He further wrote that as soon as the information about the incident was received, necessary instructions were given to the senior officials for relief and rescue work. Relief and rescue work is going on at the spot and the situation is also being continuously monitored. I pray to God for the speedy recovery of the injured and peace of the souls of the deceased and to provide strength to the bereaved family.Let us tell you, a major accident happened today in the under-construction residential complex of Avinash Elegance located on VIP Road in the capital Raipur, in which two labourers died. The condition of two people is said to be critical. This has been confirmed by Collector Gaurav Singh.