CM Sai attended the Chhattisgarhi Rajbhasha Diwas program, said – our government is working for the development of Chhattisgarhi, the central government has approved 147 crores to

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Raipur. CM Vishnudev Sai attended the program organized on the occasion of Chhattisgarhi Rajbhasha Diwas in the capital. Addressing the program, the CM said, in 2000, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee made the dream of our ancestors come true. Our government is bound to work for the development of Chhattisgarhi. The CM said, an approval of Rs 147 crore has been received from the Government of India on the demand to build a film city.CM Sai said, our government will now give ten thousand rupees instead of five thousand to the people awarded with Padma Shri. In the program, books of people working in Chhattisgarhi and writing literature were also released.