Gariaband. In the presence of Chinmay Pandya, Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, along with his wife, lit the lamp of 108 Kundiya Maha Yagya amidst chanting of Vedic mantras. During this, Chief Minister Sai said that Gayatri Shakti Peeth has done the work of Hindu awakening across the country. Gayatri Shakti Peeth was also created as a solution to the healing meetings in the undivided Raigarh districToday, CM Vishnu Dev Sai along with his wife Kaushalya Devi participated in the Rashtra Nirman Gayatri Maha Yagya being held for the last three days in Gariaband. Many senior BJP leaders including BJP’s state organization minister Arun Sao also participated with them. In the presence of Gayatri Parivar chief Chinmay Pandya, lamps were lit for the Yagya with Vedic chanting and rituals.
CM Sai further said that Gayatri Shakti Peeth has become a big medium to stop the ongoing healing meetings and religious conversions in the undivided Raigarh district which also included Jashpur.