Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel ate the laddoos of victory in the Karnataka elections. The Chief Minister also fed these laddoos to Congress leaders and journalists. Before leaving for other programs at the helipad in Raipur, Bhupesh Baghel spoke to the media and made a big statement regarding the Karnataka elections.
Bhupesh Baghel said, Congress has achieved success from the Himalayas to the sea. (Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh from Himalayas and the state of South India from the sea meant Karnataka) He further said – BJP talks about Congress-free India. But now BJP is getting free from South India. BJP knew that they are going to lose, now what else did Bhupesh Baghel say on JP Nadkarnataka victory in TV ..
The people of BJP used to do Yogi-Yogi instead of Modi, started talking about bulldozers. Chhattisgarh BJP leader Arun Sao knows that the magic of Prime Minister Modi is over. That’s why they also started talking about Yogi and Bulldozer. The success that is going to be achieved today. For this, I congratulate the Karnataka State leadership including Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and National President Mallikarjun Kharge.
It is clear from the verdict given by the people of Karnataka that Bajrang Bali is with the Congress. In fact, the BJP had made a big issue on the matter of banning Bajrang Dal said by the Congress. Associating it with God surrounded the Congress. But now looking at the results, Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel spoke about Bajrang Bali. He said that the BJP religiously worked to instigate the voters, but did not get success.
People are now voting on their issue
Inflation, unemployment, 40 percent commission has been a big issue of corruption in Karnataka. People are now voting on their issues, which is clear from Himachal and Karnataka. The public understands matters like employment, inflation. The effect of this is that the public in Karnataka is with the Congress.
The situation was visible from the Bharat Jodo Yatra
Rahul Gandhi did Bharat Jodo Yatra in Karnataka. I was on the Bharat Jodo Yatra. From the same time, the inclination was towards Congress. Strategy is a part of this whole election. In this, the manifesto, the enthusiasm of the workers, all these together lead to victory. That is the effect. We snatched the big state where there were 224 seats and the BJP government, we also snatched Himachal. Now more confidence will increase in Congress workers.