Gariaband. The cooperative society was secretly preparing to award the tender for construction of a warehouse worth Rs 16.50 lakh to a favorite contractor. Got the tender published on the last date of submission of documents in the tender. When the truth was revealed, the officers started collecting the files. Now they are saying that they will cancel it and issue the tender again.
This whole game was going on in the Farmers Credit Cooperative Society of Rajim. The committee had taken departmental approval to construct a warehouse with a capacity of 200 metric tons from the funds available in its fund. Now there was a provision to invite tender for its construction. The committee responsible behind the construction of the building had a misunderstanding in their mind. On March 13, the tender was published in a newspaper which was less distributed in the area. The last date for filling the tender was 13 March, today the date for opening the tender was fixed on 14 March. Even before the tender was issued, after media intervention, those responsible are now talking about starting the tender process afresh.

The process was well planned so only three filled the tender.
There is a rule of publishing the tender till a week before the last date of filling the tender. It is also necessary to have a newspaper popular in the area to publicize the tender memorandum, but the committee did not follow both these things. The tender was published on March 13 in a limited edition newspaper. The last date for filling the tender was 13th. Fulfillment of a quorum of three is considered necessary for the tender to be passed. It is being told that the tender of the other two contract companies related to the contractor to whom the tender was to be given was filled in support. The rates in all the tenders were already fixed.

The file was closed as soon as the media saw it; those responsible said they were canceling the tender.
All the responsible people were sitting in the committee office completing the formalities of opening the tender, when the media persons raised questions regarding the published memorandum. Seeing the presence of media, in-charge manager Amrit Sahu started collecting the files for the process, while the present authorized officer Shiv Narayan Tiwari came out of the office. Some of the committee members present were seen trying to hide their faces after seeing the cameras running. When the rules were discussed in the matter, authorization officer Shiv Narayan Tiwari and committee in-charge manager Amrit Sahu said that if the process is wrong then the tender will be canceled and the tender will be invited again. The manager said that he does not want to take any risk now.
This was done for the sake of profit
In the construction agency appointed by the government, the parameters from construction to drawing, design and material are fixed. From the evaluation of the work to the verification process, the process is also strictly followed, but the committee fixed the cost of rupees to be spent in the building on the basis of the SOR fixed by the Public Works Department for this work, but all the things fixed for the work from getting the work done to the construction were not done. Keeps the monitoring of parameters with himself. Experts say that even if standard standards were followed in the construction of a building with a capacity of 200 tonnes, it would have been completed within Rs 10 lakh. Probably the committee had made complete preparations for the distribution of the huge margin money of Gap.