Changed rules of DMF in Chhattisgarh: All those works cancelled, in which funds were sanctioned, but the work has not started; new government’s decision

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Chhattisgarh government has started curbing government expenditure under its new policy. In this regard, two orders have been issued by the government on Wednesday. The Finance Department has asked to take approval again on the funds of big projects. Whereas DMF (District Mining Fund) has been banned.

In the order issued by the government, all departments have been instructed to reduce expenses. It has been said in the order that the work done with the DMF money which has not started yet will have to be approved again. DMF Council will be formed afresh to get approval. For those construction works which have not started, permission will have to be taken again.

In the order issued by Atish Pandey, Joint Secretary of the Finance Department, it has been said that the state government has given instructions regarding adopting economy (reduction in expenditure) in government expenditure. This order has been sent to the heads of all departments, division commissioners and collectors.

It is written in the instructions that for such construction works funded in the state budget which have not started, permission will have to be taken again from the Finance Department. Only essential items will be purchased for carrying out departmental activities. This order will not apply to projects issued by the Central Government or works funded by the Central Government. The Council of DMF will be re-formed.
Mineral Resources Department has issued instructions regarding the implementation of Chhattisgarh District Mineral Institute Trust Rules. It has been said that the works approved by the District Mineral Institute Trust which have not started should be stopped with immediate effect. The work which has not been started will be reviewed again. Further action will be taken only as per the approval of DMF Council.

Instructions have been given not to start any new work without the administrative approval of the DMF Governing Council. All the newly elected assembly members of the district will be ex-officio members of the DMF Governing Council. It has also been said that nominations of new members will be given in place of the public representatives-members who have completed their term of up to three years.