According to the information, the Ambikapur flight arrived on Thursday and about seven passengers came and the same number left. This is the reason that from now onwards this flight will run on the remaining five days except Sunday and Monday. Fly Big Air Lines Company has started air service on the Raipur-Ambikapur-Bilaspur route included in the Udan Yojana from December 19. Earlier, it was announced to run three days a week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. After this, the Raipur-Ambikapur-Bilaspur flight was announced to run on the remaining days except Sunday. On Monday, the said flight also came from Ambikapur, but not a single passenger was found. Therefore, after coming empty, the flight returned without any passenger. After this, the Ambikapur flight was cancelled on Tuesday and Wednesday. Now Fly Big has decided to run the Ambikapur flight on the remaining five days of the week except Sunday and Monday, i.e. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.According to the new schedule of Raipur-Ambikapur- Bilaspur Flight, the flight from Raipur to Ambikapur will start at 9 am and will reach Ambikapur at 10:15 am. After stopping there for 25 minutes, the flight will take off from Ambikapur at 10:40 am and land in Bilaspur at 11:35 am and will fly from Bilaspur to Ambikapur at 12:00 noon. It will reach Ambikapur at 12:55 pm. From there, the plane will take off at 1:20 pm and reach Raipur airport at 2:30 pm.