.Raipur. Now shops will not remain open till late night in the capital Raipur. Now the markets in the city will be closed by 11 pm. Along with this, swift action will also be taken against illegal encroachments. Collector Dr. Sarveshwar Bhure took an important meeting of officials on the law and order situation in the city. In this meeting, SSP Prashant Aggarwal gave necessary instructions related to law and order. Police officials along with officials of Municipal Corporation Raipur and Birgaon were also present in the meeting. Collector Dr. Bhure also gave instructions to organize the traffic in Raipur city. He gave instructions to immediately remove the stalls and temporary shops and carts installed on the roadside, so that people can get rid of the problems they face in commuting and traffic jams due to crowd. He also gave instructions to remove illegally operated paan stalls, temporary shops and kiosks near roads and schools. He instructed the police officers to curb anti-social elements and take strict action against law breakers. Take action against illegal tasting centers. Take prompt and strict action against anti-social elements who run late night and outside the time limits, parties and hangouts in clubs, bars and on roads, highways etc. He said that anti-encroachment squads should be formed in both the municipal corporations, which will identify illegal encroachments and take action to remove them. He said that all ADMs should patrol at night along with police officers and take action against those elements who violate law and order.