Raipur. Congress has released the list of Lok Sabha candidates. In this, ticket has been given to Kawasi Lakhma, MLA from Bastar Lok Sabha of Chhattisgarh. Congress candidates are still yet to be announced for four seats in Chhattisgarh. Earlier, Congress had released the list of its candidates for 6 Lok Sabha seats in the state. In this, former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel from Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha, Vikas Upadhyay from Raipur Lok Sabha, Tamradhwaj Sahu from Mahasamund Lok Sabha, Rajendra Sahu from Durg Lok Sabha, Jyotsna Mahant from Korba Lok Sabha and Dr. Shiv Dahria from Janjgir-Champa have been fielded.
Raipur. Congress has released the list of Lok Sabha candidates. In this, ticket has been given to Kawasi Lakhma, MLA from Bastar Lok Sabha of Chhattisgarh. Congress candidates are still yet to be …
Raipur. Congress has released the list of Lok Sabha candidates. In this, ticket has been given to Kawasi Lakhma, MLA from Bastar Lok Sabha of Chhattisgarh. Congress candidates are still yet to be announced for four seats in Chhattisgarh. Earlier, Congress had released the list of its candidates for 6 Lok Sabha seats in the state. In this, former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel from Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha, Vikas Upadhyay from Raipur Lok Sabha, Tamradhwaj Sahu from Mahasamund Lok Sabha, Rajendra Sahu from Durg Lok Sabha, Jyotsna Mahant from Korba Lok Sabha and Dr. Shiv Dahria from Janjgir-Champa have been fielded. Read MoreAnother blow to Congress in CG, now this senior leader resigned, accused big leaders of the party of exploiting the workers.
Durg. The day is not going well for the Congress party in the district. The leaders of the Congress Party are showing their rebellious attitude and are trying to expose the party. On …
Another blow to Congress in CG, now this senior leader resigned, accused big leaders of the party of exploiting the workers. Read MoreIn Nava Raipur, a young man and a girl committed suicide in front of their friends: Bullet was hit by a speeding vehicle; Dragged 40 meters and hit the divider
Head cracked despite helmet This accident was so painful that the head of the young man and the girl got badly injured as soon as they fell on the road. Due …
In Nava Raipur, a young man and a girl committed suicide in front of their friends: Bullet was hit by a speeding vehicle; Dragged 40 meters and hit the divider Read MoreVote Debar Jabo Ji, Chunai Tihar Manabo Ji: Chief Electoral Officer made voters aware, administered oath to Raipur residents to vote
Raipur. In view of the Lok Sabha elections-2024, as per the instructions of the Election Commission of India, today the district administration organized “Sweep Rasrang” program for voter awareness at Raipur-Kala …
Vote Debar Jabo Ji, Chunai Tihar Manabo Ji: Chief Electoral Officer made voters aware, administered oath to Raipur residents to vote Read MorePoliceman died due to driver’s negligence: When the truck broke down, the car was parked on the highway, even the patrolling team did not notice, constable died due to bike collision
, Gariaband. A constable on duty died after colliding with a truck laden with paddy parked near Baruka bridge on National Highway 130C. Let us tell you that the truck was …
Policeman died due to driver’s negligence: When the truck broke down, the car was parked on the highway, even the patrolling team did not notice, constable died due to bike collision Read MoreCBSE cancels recognition of 2 schools: Action on Dronacharya and Vaikan School of Raipur; Action against 20 schools across the country
Chhattisgarh Forest Minister Kedar Kashyap has raised questions regarding former CM Bhupesh Baghel’s statement on ‘sleeper cell’. He said that Bhupesh Baghel should clarify whether he considers Congress as a …
CBSE cancels recognition of 2 schools: Action on Dronacharya and Vaikan School of Raipur; Action against 20 schools across the country Read MoreCBSE cancels recognition of 2 schools: Action on Dronacharya and Vaikan School of Raipur; Action against 20 schools across the country
CBSE has canceled the recognition of 20 schools across the country including Chhattisgarh. These also include two schools of Raipur. CBSE Secretary Himanshu Gupta said that there are allegations of …
CBSE cancels recognition of 2 schools: Action on Dronacharya and Vaikan School of Raipur; Action against 20 schools across the country Read MoreCongress can get women-justice guarantee forms filled in Chhattisgarh: Leaders gave suggestions in the meeting with Pilot in Raipur; Will go from house to house to appease the angry people
Congress party is going to play a big bet for the Lok Sabha elections. In Chhattisgarh, Congress can get women to fill Nari Nyaya Guarantee forms in all 11 Lok …
Congress can get women-justice guarantee forms filled in Chhattisgarh: Leaders gave suggestions in the meeting with Pilot in Raipur; Will go from house to house to appease the angry people Read MoreBig decision in Sachin Pilot’s meeting: Senior leaders will go door to door to pacify the angry, Congress will fill the form of Nari Nyay Yojana on the lines of Mahtari Vandan.
Raipur. Amidst the exploding letter bombs and public allegations and counter-allegations in the Congress, efforts to pacify the angry people have begun. Senior Congress leaders will go to their homes to …
Big decision in Sachin Pilot’s meeting: Senior leaders will go door to door to pacify the angry, Congress will fill the form of Nari Nyay Yojana on the lines of Mahtari Vandan. Read More