By weaving silk threads, women are increasing their income

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Dantewada, 21 October 2021:In tribal dominated areas like Dantewada, good employment opportunities are being provided to the people. By taking advantage of the silkworm rearing schemes of the Silk Department, the villagers of the district are making it a means of additional income for themselves. In the Silk Center Chitalanka under the Department of Silk, the women of the Women’s Sericulture Self Help Group are currently doing the work of mulberry silkworm rearing. From the hatching of eggs from the healthy egg groups provided by the department to the harvesting of cosaphal, the work is done by the women of the groups under the supervision of the employees of the department. The chemicals and equipment used during worm rearing are supplied by the department, Women get economic income by selling the cocoons produced after worm rearing to the Cocoon Bank and Silk Department. Till now, women of Self Help Groups have received a total income of 31 thousand 5 hundred 49 from this work. There are 7 women working in this group who are earning a profit of Rs 4-5 thousand. At present, the women of the group are doing worm rearing work of 350 mulberry healthy ovum groups, the work of cocoon production has also started. The women of the group working in the silk center Chitalanka are hoping for good profit by selling the coco produced, have been doing the work of mulberry silk worm rearing for the past many years and these women are satisfied with the profit they get. Fulfilling her domestic needs with the income earned from worm rearing, she is raising the necessary facilities for the family. The work of cocoon production has also started. The women of the group working in the silk center Chitalanka are hoping for good profit by selling the coco produced, have been doing the work of mulberry silk worm rearing for the past several years and these women are satisfied with the profit they get. Fulfilling her domestic needs with the income earned from worm rearing, she is raising the necessary facilities for the family. The work of cocoon production has also started. The women of the group working in the silk center Chitalanka are hoping for good profit by selling the coco produced, have been doing the work of mulberry silk worm rearing for the past many years and these women are satisfied with the profit they get. Fulfilling her domestic needs with the income earned from worm rearing, she is raising the necessary facilities for the family.