‘Brahmastra’ used to curb bogus paddy purchase: NIC uploaded village-wise production details, 3465 farmers who had taken tokens in large quantity were identified, see the list of names

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Gariaband. In the new procurement policy of the new government, provision was made to issue tokens for paddy sale a week in advance. The purpose was to verify the tokens issued. Three days have passed since procurement began, and now the verification of tokens issued in these three days has begun. NIC has uploaded the village-wise Anawari report in the procurement portal. In which the average production is shown. On the basis of the registered report, the district administration has now prepared a list of those tokens where more tokens have been issued than the production quantity. According to the list, a list of 3465 tokens has been prepared in 69 centers for which tokens have been issued for more quantity than the production. This list will now be verified

Tokens were deducted for more quantity than the production

By making such a provision, the administration has used the Brahmastra against bogus purchase. Because despite lakhs of efforts to catch them, Odisha’s paddy is being consumed day and night in the border areas so that the difference in the yield can be compensated. According to the load report, the production of the villages under the purchase centers of Devbhog tehsil is 8 to 11 quintals per acre. Despite this, every farmer has got a token for selling 21 quintals as prescribed by the government.

There will be savings in the government treasury

It is worth mentioning that if this formula of purchase in proportion to production is maintained till the end, then it will provide relief to the government treasury from the extra burden of paddy purchase. Day and night the officers and employees are engaged in stopping illegal transportation. If purchase is done as per production, then there will be no need for additional quantity. In such a situation, the supply from Odisha will automatically be controlled.

See the list –