Raipur. In Chhattisgarh, Bharatiya Janata Party has opened a front against Leader of Opposition Dr. Charandas Mahant on the head-breaking statement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Today, under the leadership of State Deputy CM Vijay Sharma, hundreds of BJP leaders and workers marched from Bhagat Singh Chowk in the form of a rally to surround the residence of Dr. Mahant and raised slogans against him.
During this, Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma also marched on foot along with all the workers to the Mahant’s residence where he addressed the media and said that such derogatory remarks against the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi are a proof of his low level in politics. Apart from the contradiction, he is also the Prime Minister of India, hence you are free to do political campaigning against him, but such false statements cannot be accepted under any circumstances.
This type of rhetoric regarding the country’s PM is condemnable.
Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister Vijay Sharma has strongly reacted to the remarks made by Leader of Opposition Charandas Mahant on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying, ‘I am also Modi’s family and Congress leaders should hit me with the baton first.’ Shri Sharma said that the Bharatiya Janata Party will reach out to the public on the issue of ‘I am also Modi’s family, hit me with sticks first’ and the public will punish those who make such indecent statements. Deputy Chief Minister Shri Sharma said that the one who himself has been the Speaker of the Assembly, who has been explaining parliamentary values to everyone for such a long tenure, who is currently the Leader of the Opposition, said this in Rajnandgaon on April 2 that Modi’s He will break his head, please him. During this, he has taken the names of former Chief Ministers Bhupesh Baghel and Devendra Yadav. This type of rhetoric in the context of the Prime Minister of the country is condemnable. He said that Charandas Mahant should apologize to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for this statement.
Modi’s family will be visible in the results of Lok Sabha elections:- Sanjay Srivastava
After the siege of Mahant residence, a group of BJP leaders under the leadership of State General Secretary Sanjay Srivastava and District BJP President Jayanti Patel filed an FIR against Charandas Mahant, terming his unrestrained statements as inflammatory and inciting violence. Reached Civil Line police station with demand. Where the BJP leaders submitted a memorandum to the police officers present and filed an FIR demanding immediate arrest. Made a demand to do.
During this, Sanjay Srivastava, while expressing a sharp reaction to the statement of Chhattisgarh leader of opposition Charandas Mahant, said – “Charandas Mahant’s statement of breaking the head with a stick is in reality a mirror of the ideology of the Congress party. Sometimes the Prime Minister is ridiculed by calling him a tea seller. They are blown up, sometimes some leader says he is a lowly politician, sometimes someone says cut him, sometimes there is even talk of killing and today the statement of breaking the head of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with a stick is a mirror of the ideology of Congress in which anarchy and violence are automatically displayed. it occurs. Charandas Mahant should apologize to Prime Minister Modi on a public platform for his statement, otherwise he should be prepared to face opposition from BJP workers. I want to tell all you media friends through this medium that you will get to see Modi’s organized family in the results of Lok Sabha elections.
District BJP President Jayanti Patel said on this occasion – “Politics should be about issues in which public interest lies, but this kind of personal attack and attempt to instigate the workers puts a question mark on the maturity of Charandas Mahant. We are surprised that Chhattisgarh The Leader of the Opposition is such a small minded person. Politics should always be about health, it should be about allegations and counter-allegations, the public completely rejects such inferior ideas and this will be seen in the results of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.