Dhamtari. Former Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu Mahasamund came to Dhamtari for the first time after being made the Lok Sabha candidate. While discussing with the media, Tamradhwaj Sahu said that in the last 10 years, the Central Government has not done even a single work which has benefited the public. The promises made to the public have not been fulfilled. Only central agencies have been misused. Similarly, in the last 15 years, Raman Singh’s government in Chhattisgarh had cheated the people. There has been a Congress government in our state for 5 years. Has done more than 50 good works. We live the trust of the public with those promises.
Mahasamund Lok Sabha candidate Tamradhwaj Sahu said in his statement that even after ruling for 20 years, Bharatiya Janata Party will not be able to compete with Congress. You might be asking what Congress has done in 75 years. The hospital where Narendra Modi ji and Dr. Raman Singh ji were born was built by Congress. We have opened the school where Modi and Raman Singh studied. Having studied from here, we have become Chief Minister and Prime Minister, what could be a bigger achievement than this?
Former minister Sahu was given a grand welcome by the workers at Rajiv Bhawan. During this time, a large number of workers and officials including MLA, District President were present. Former minister Tamradhwaj Sahu took a dig at the Mahtari Vandan scheme and said that BJP has cheated women by violating the code of conduct. BJP had said that all women will be given Rs 1000. Before the elections, forms were filled from door to door. BJP has deprived many women so that they do not have to pay money now.