Big fraud in Bandhan Bank: Claimed tax insurance by making fake death certificate, also embezzled Rs 1 lakh 50 thousand of loan

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 Sakthi. The cashier of Bandhan Bank in Sakti, Chhattisgarh made a fake death certificate of a living woman and filed a claim with the insurance company and embezzled Rs 1.5 lakh deposited by the account holder. When no solution was found even after complaining to the bank management, the husband filed a fraud report with the police. 

1 lakh 50 thousand embezzled to close the loan

Actually, Sakti resident Purushottam Dewangan had taken a loan of Rs 2 lakh from Bandhan Bank two years ago, 8 to 9 installments of which were paid by him. After this, when the money was arranged, he deposited the remaining amount of about Rs 1.5 lakh in lump sum in the bank to close the loan account. Which the then bank cashier Kamlesh Singh kept with himself instead of depositing it in the bank.

There was a big bust when he needed a loan again.

After a few months, when Purshottam Dewangan again needed a loan, he went to Bandhan Bank and got information that as per the bank records, his wife (co-applicant in the loan account) had died. After which Purushottam got the documents examined, it was found that bank cashier Kamlesh and some employees had together made a fake death certificate of his wife and closed the loan account of Purushottam Devangan by claiming from the insurance company. Not only this, the lump sum amount of Rs 1 lakh 42 thousand 550 deposited by him has been embezzled by the bank cashier.

Visited the bank for several months

As soon as the information about the fraud was received, the account holder complained about it to the bank management several times. But the bank management kept making him run around for months. The fraud done to him was not rectified for several months, then the account holder, feeling fed up and complaining about it, complained to the police. In this case, the police say that soon a case will be registered against the concerned bank employees.