Big Breaking: 25 laborers of West Bengal entered Chhattisgarh crossing through Chichola border, exposing huge dent in security on Chhattisgarh’s Maharashtra border

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Hungry thirsty workers left from Nagpur on Friday, two days ago
Neither the police nor anyone else stopped while crossing the border of Chhattisgarh

Ganesh Srivastava / Rajnandgaon. Despite being in the Orange Zone due to Corona virus, security has been exposed on the border in Rajnandgaon district. At eight o’clock on Sunday morning, about 25 laborers crossed the Chichola border and entered the border of Chhattisgarh. According to the laborers, he hails from West Bengal and was a long time laborer in Nagpur. During the lock down, the Maharashtra government did not make any arrangements for their food and water, yet they were making arrangements for food and water from their savings. But when there was no help from the end of the money, then decided to return home on foot. These laborers started their journey on NH 6 on Friday, based on the help of biscuits and on the way. After finding no means, he decided to go to his house on foot and set out. During this, neither the Maharashtra Police stopped them on the way nor the Chhattisgarh Police stopped them while crossing the border of Chhattisgarh. The workers said that their corona investigation has not been done. It can be dangerous to enter the border of Chhattisgarh in this way.
Want to go to west bengal
The workers told our Rajnandgaon bureaucrat Ganesh Srivastava that they were moving towards Raipur, and wanted to go to West Bengal. At 5 o’clock in the evening, they have arrived about 30 km inside. He demanded food and lodging from a village sarpanch but the sarpanch refused to let him enter the village.

Corona has become uncontrollable in Maharashtra, 811 new patients got stirred in one day.

The entire country has a lockdown till May 3. Despite this, the number of corona infections continues to grow. At the same time, the situation in Maharashtra is becoming more frightening due to this disease and is beginning to show the possibility of any major danger. While the whole country is affected by Corona. At the same time, Maharashtra is witnessing the worst of this epidemic. 6817 people are vulnerable to the virus in the state. At the same time, 811 new cases of corona have been reported in one day alone on Saturday. This is the first time that so many cases have been reported in a state in a day. Maharashtra has been stirred up with this figure. At the same time, 22 people died in the state in one day.

Death toll crosses 300

The total figure of corona infects in Maharashtra has reached 6817, while 301 people have died. At the same time, 957 people have returned to their homes after recovering from this epidemic. Here, the government says that the daily growth rate of Corona cases has reached six percent. The Ministry of Health says that in the last 24 hours, 1819 new cases of corona have been reported, while 56 people have died. At the same time, Gujarat (Gujarat) is now the most appalling situation after Maharashtra. In Gujarat, the number of corona infected has reached beyond three thousand. However, 127 people have died. At the same time, 957 people have recovered and returned to their homes. Apart from this, the dreaded virus continues in Rajasthan and Delhi.

Listen to our Rajnandgaon Bureau Chief Ganesh Srivastava’s phone conversation with a laborer ……….[/KGVID