Benefits for consumers Solar system, in dealing with many problems including electricity bill Solar system know how much subsidy is available for its installation?

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Raipur. Solar system can prove to be a better option for you in dealing with many problems including huge electricity bills coming every month. Because solar panels ranging from 1 to 10 kW come under the residential category and subsidy is also provided by the government. If you are now thinking of installing or going to buy a solar system, then first of all you should know what kind of solar system you need. How much will be the efficiency of the solar panel, you calculate all these things. How many units of electricity will you get from solar system?

The Government of India provides 20 to 40 percent subsidy on solar systems. 40 percent subsidy has been provided by the government on solar systems ranging from 1 kilowatt to 3 kilowatts. At the same time, 20 percent subsidy has been made available on solar systems of 10 kilowatts from 4 kilowatts. Subsidy is given only when solar panels are installed in homes. To install solar panels under the subsidy scheme, it has to be installed only from a company certified by the Discom of your area. But getting solar subsidy in India is not an easy task. For this, a lot of effort has to be made and there are some conditions on which subsidy is given. Most of the people consider the solar panel as the complete solar system. But in reality the solar panel is an integral part of the solar system. The set of solar panels, solar inverters and batteries etc. is called a solar system.

solar system prices

Today people have started adopting solar system on a large scale. On grid solar system is available in India for around Rs.80,000 and off grid solar system is available for Rs.95,000. You get different subsidies for 3 kW, 5 kW and 10 kW systems.