Bemetra: The war with Corona will be won only by staying at home, the Collector appealed to the people for cooperation.

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Bemetara 04 May 2021. Collector and District Magistrate Shri Shiv Anant Tayal has appealed to the general public to take all possible precautions by staying at home to prevent corona virus. The people have appealed to the people to accept the restrictions applicable to the rescue of Corona and to make the effort of the district administration successful. Mr. Tayal has said that the best way to prevent infection of the corona virus is to protect oneself from being under its influence only by staying at home. He has advised people to avoid going unnecessary here and not to gather in public and create a crowd-like situation. The collector has said that all of us will break the chain of corona infection and win the war with corona by staying at home with mutual support. Mr. Tayal has also appealed to the common citizens to beware of the alleged misleading information circulating in social media including social media regarding the corona virus infection. They did not give any such notice People have also been advised not to make the official confirmation viral on social media. The Collector has also appealed to all the persons to stop the mobilization of large number of people at one place. Social programs should be organized in a simplified manner and in presence of less people only when it is absolutely necessary.
The collector said that to avoid corona infection, avoid coming in close to the infected person, wash your hands frequently with soap, avoid touching the eyes and nose, seek medical attention immediately in case of common cold, cough, fever , Use handkerchief while coughing and sneezing and avoid shaking hands. The Collector has also appealed to the Bemetara Districts to leave the house only when it is absolutely necessary, to cover the mouth and nose with a mask or any other cloth while leaving the house and to follow adequate social distancing outside.