Raipur. Bastar district has achieved success in improving the quality of education, making teaching more interesting and effective, successful implementation of new educational techniques and strengthening teacher-student relations. For this excellent performance, NITI Aayog has awarded Bastar district with a prize of Rs 3 crore.
Congratulating on this achievement, Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai said that the hard work of the students of Bastar district, dedication of teachers and commitment of our government towards quality education system has taken the district to new heights. This honour is inspirational for the entire state. Chief Minister Sai said that this award is a proof of the success of the efforts of the state government to strengthen basic education in aspiring districts and to promote inclusive and innovative education policy.
Chief Minister Sai said that this achievement will further inspire the state government to further strengthen the entire education system in the state and give a new dimension to intellectual and educational development in Bastar. This achievement in the field of education will prove to be a milestone not only for Bastar district but for the entire Chhattisgarh.