Raipur. In Chhattisgarh, Congress has announced its candidates on 6 seats. Till now names have not been finalized on 5 seats. Meanwhile, information is coming out that former minister Kawasi Lakhma is seeking ticket for his son Harish Lakhma from Bastar Lok Sabha constituency. PCC Chief Deepak Baij has also staked claim on this seat. Now amidst all this the two leaders have met. After the meeting, now speculations are being made in the political circles that one of the two leaders has agreed. However, both of them described this meeting as a courtesy call.
Let us tell you that Kawasi Lakhma had reached the house of PCC Chief to meet him. There is a buzz in the political circles that Kawasi Lakhma wants his son to get the MP ticket from Bastar. For this, Lakhma has presented his son’s candidature in AICC and Deepak Baij, who had won on the same seat in the last Lok Sabha elections, has also presented his claim.
According to the information, the strategies for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections have been discussed between the two Congress leaders. After the meeting, both the leaders said, this time we will definitely succeed in taking the Congress Party’s ideology and guarantee of justice to the people even more strongly.