Voting for Bastar Lok Sabha seat in Chhattisgarh will be held in the first phase on April 19. For this, 36 thousand soldiers are being deployed. Apart from this, the Election Commission has also demanded CRPF, BSF, CISF, ITBP, SAF and NSG personnel to conduct the elections safely.
36 thousand 123 vehicles will be hired to transport polling parties and security personnel to polling booths and control rooms. Apart from this, there will also be arrangement for helicopter. The Commission has also fixed their fee for this.
2 thousand 131 licensed gunmen missing
In view of the Lok Sabha elections, 157 illegal weapons have been seized across the state. Apart from this, 10 thousand 367 licensed weapons have been deposited in different police stations of the state. At the same time, the whereabouts of 2 thousand 131 licensed weapon holders is not known, the police is locating them.
Police in action after implementation of code of conduct
The code of conduct came into force with the announcement of election dates on March 16. After this, the police became active and action was started across the state to arrest illegal weapons, arrest criminals and collect licensed weapons.
Apart from weapons, during the investigation, Rs 9 crore 80 lakh cash, 27 thousand 979 liters of liquor, more than 1 thousand kg of intoxicants and jewelery worth about Rs 2.5 crore have been seized.
Highest amount of cash found in Durg during investigation
Rs 9.80 crore has been seized during checking of vehicles in different districts. In this, Durg Police is at number one. Durg Police has seized Rs 3 crore 64 lakh during checking of vehicles. In this matter, Raipur Police is at second place, which has seized cash worth Rs 3 crore 52 lakh during vehicle checking.
District | rupees |
Durg | 3.64 crores |
Raipur | 3.52 crores |
Rajnandgaon | 1.34 crore |
Raigarh | 62 lakhs |
Mahasamund | 2 million |
Dantewada | 18 lakhs |
Janjgir-Champa | 8 lakhs |
Kondagaon | 2 lakhs |
Gaurela-Pendra-Marwahi | 1 Lac |
Total nomination of 52 candidates in the second phase
The nomination process has been completed in one seat of the first phase of Lok Sabha elections, Bastar, and three seats of the second phase, Rajnandgaon, Mahasamund and Kanker. Election Commission officials said that 95 nominations of 52 candidates have been submitted in the second phase.
23 candidates have filed nominations in Rajnandgaon, 19 in Mahasamund and 10 in Kanker. At the same time, a total of 11 candidates are in the fray in Bastar.
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