Balrampur: Parliamentary Secretary, Chintamani and District In-Charge Secretary Pingua took review meeting: Discussion on priority schemes of government

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Give priority to horticulture crops suited to local climate: Pingua

Balrampur 17 October 2020. Parliamentary Secretary and Samaritan MLA  Chintamani Maharaj and Principal Secretary of Government of Chhattisgarh Commerce and Industry and Forest Shri Manoj Kumar Pingua held a review meeting with the Heads of the Department. In the meeting, important points related to priority schemes of the government such as the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign, Godhan Nyaya Yojana, Forest Rights, Forest Resources and Industry and Entrepreneurship Development were discussed. Collector Shyam Dhawade gave brief information about the operation and progress of major schemes. Parliamentary Secretary and Samaritan MLA Shri Chintamani Maharaj informed the Secretary in-charge of the regional problems in the meeting and said that they should resolve them as soon as possible.
Parliamentary Secretary Shri Chintamani Maharaj, in a meeting held in the meeting hall of the district panchayat Kusami, made the point that the Punjab National Bank account holders did not get banking services smoothly. He said that new branches of PNB should be opened in Samaritan area or accounts should be transferred to other banks. Tea plantation, Utera system, while talking about the possibilities in the field of horticulture and horticulture, in the field of farming and farming, asked to make more efforts in this direction.
In-charge Secretary Shri Manoj Kumar Pingua congratulated the entire team of the district administration for the successful completion of Girdawari verification and platform construction and said that this would make the paddy procurement work properly and also save the money of the government. Giving information about individual forest rights, community forest rights and forest resources, he gave information about new framework of forest management. Informed the beneficiaries receiving the Forest Charter letter. He informed about making people aware of forest conservation and the new masterplan for the management of forests. The Secretary in-charge suggested to make efforts to promote cultivation of horticulture crops Tikhur, Turmeric, Jimikand and Ginger other than paddy. He said that priority should be given to horticulture crops suited to the local climate, So that people’s income increases and standard of living improves. Talking about the plans of the Department of Industries, he said to promote micro and medium industries. Keeping a holistic approach, all departments have to strive for entrepreneurship development by working in coordination. He inquired about the distribution of nutritious nutritious food under the Chief Minister’s Nutrition Campaign and also reviewed its progress. At the end of the meeting, giving necessary instructions while discussing with departmental officials regarding Suraji village scheme, Godhan Nyaya Yojana.
Chief Forest Conservator of Surguja Forest Circle Mr. AB Minj, Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Mr. Harish S. and district level officers were present in the meeting.