Health Minister Jaiswal said that the HMPV virus is not like the coronavirus, although the symptoms are slightly similar. He said that there is absolutely no need to panic about this virus, but there is a need to be cautious. In today’s meeting, a strategy was made to deal with the HMPV virus. Instructions were given to ensure the availability of medicines for the treatment of the HMPV virus.Also, instructions have been given to ensure ventilators, ICU and normal beds across the state. Instructions have been given to prepare guidelines based on the symptoms of the virus outbreak. Children and the elderly are in the high risk zone. The rest of the departmental schemes being run have been reviewed. Health Secretary Amit Kataria, DHS Priyanka Shukla, Director of National Health Mission, CGMSC MD and Health Commissioner were present in the meeting.
Symptoms in adults?
Usually, mild, cold-like symptoms include:
sore throat,
, stuffy nose,
mild fever
, fatigue
Most adults recover without complications, but symptoms can be more severe in the elderly or people with serious health problems.
Symptoms in infants and young children?
blocked nose
runny nose
In severe cases, symptoms may include:
difficulty breathing
rapid breathing
chest movements
In severe cases, it may turn into bronchiolitis or pneumonia, which may require hospitalization.
Do this to avoid the virus
According to experts, to avoid the HMPV virus, keep distance from crowded places, do not come in contact with patients with cold, cough and fever. If you have symptoms of cold, cough and fever, get yourself examined immediately at the local hospital, so that you do not have to face any kind of problem. Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief while coughing and sneezing, keep cleaning your hands with soap and sanitizer, if you are sick, stay at home, drink more water and eat nutritious food.
don’t do these things
Do not reuse tissue paper in case of cold, cough and fever or even in normal condition. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth repeatedly. Do not spit in public places and do not use any medicine without consulting a doctor. It is worth noting that HMP virus spreads through droplets emitted by coughing or sneezing, shaking hands or coming in close contact with an infected person, touching mouth, nose or eyes after touching a contaminated surface. Cold, cough, fever and difficulty in breathing in winters are its common symptoms. In some serious cases, pneumonia and bronchitis are also symptoms of this disease. As soon as information of its patients being found in some states of the country was received, the staff of the state health department started preparing. According to experts, this is a common respiratory virus which is usually seen in winters.