Raipur. Chhattisgarh Agriculture Minister Ramvichar Netam has been injured in a road accident. He has been brought to Raipur by creating a green corridor. Regarding this accident, CM Vishnudev Sai has tweeted on Twitter and prayed for the speedy recovery of Minister Ramvichar Netam.
CM Sai wrote, “We have received information that our senior cabinet colleague Ramvichar Netam ji has been injured in a car accident. I pray to Lord Shri Ram for his speedy recovery.”
Let us tell you that Agriculture Minister Ramvichar Netam has been injured in a road accident while returning from Bemetara to Raipur. He is being brought to Raipur by creating a green corridor. This accident happened near Jevara village on Raipur-Bemetara road. It is being told that the minister’s car collided with a pickup vehicle. The minister’s car has been smashed. Minister Ramvichar Netam is being brought to the capital’s Ramakrishna Hospital.
Minister Ramvichar Netam fell unconscious after the accident. His colleague Dheeraj has suffered serious injuries. Bemetara Collector and SP are reported to have reached the spot. It is being told that Ramvichar Netam is being brought to Raipur by creating a green corridor.