Bilaspur. Goldie Chhabra, a resident of Adarsh Nagar, died during treatment at the city’s Apollo Hospital seven years ago. In this case, the Sarkanda police has presented a challan in the court against the doctors. Let us tell you that on December 25, 2016, Goldie Chhabra complained of stomach ache, after which her family admitted her to Apollo Hospital for treatment. Where Dr. Devendra Singh, Dr. Manoj Rai, Dr. Bhanja and Dr. Kedia examined and treated. But the patient died during treatment. In this case, Goldie’s family had registered a case with the police accusing the doctors of Apollo Hospital of negligence in treatment.
According to the information, in this case the hospital management in its report had stated that death was due to consumption of poison. But on the petition of the family members dissatisfied with the police investigation, the High Court had ordered a fresh investigation and taking opinion from the medico-legal institute. After which the police got the investigation done again. In which a report along with the history of the case was sought from the Divisional Medical Board. The Medical Board submitted the investigation report on five points on 2 February 2023. In this, there was mention of unknown substance poisoning in the records of Apollo Hospital but in the treatment records, it was found that it was not handled like a poisoning case.
Along with the report of the medical board, the police took opinion from the Medico Legal Institute. On this, on September 27, 2023, the Medico Legal Institute said in its opinion that there was negligence in treatment. On the basis of this, the police registered a case against the Apollo Hospital management and the concerned doctors. According to the information, the Kotwali police investigated the matter but the matter is of Sarkanda police station area, hence the case has been registered there. On the expert view, the court had given instructions to the police to take action. On the orders of the court, the police had registered a crime against the doctors of Apollo and released them on bond. On April 15, the police presented a challan in the District Court against Dr. Devendra Singh, Dr. Manoj Rai, Dr. Kedia and Dr. Bhanja.