Raipur: Corona Vaccine Is Safe To Have Fearless Vaccine: Industry Minister Mr. Kavasi Lakhma: Appeal to Social Heads-Politics Parties for Cooperation in Fight Against Corona

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Raipur, 9 May 2021. Industry Minister Shri Kavasi Lakhma held a meeting of district administration, social heads and political parties at Collector Office Sukma today. He fearlessly appealed to everyone to get vaccinated and to help in the fight against Corona to avoid corona disease. Mr. Lakhma held discussions with all the society heads and representatives of various political parties in the district in view of increasing cases of corona infection in the rural areas. He said that the second wave of Corona epidemic has disturbed normal life. There are only two ways to avoid this pandemic, the lockdown and the covid vaccine. This difficult time requires that more and more people get their vaccinations and strictly follow the instructions issued by the government.
Minister Mr. Lakhma said that a lockdown has been imposed till May 17 in Sukma district which is necessary for the prevention and control of corona infection. He said that breaking the chain of infection is necessary for effective prevention of the spread of corona. At this time keep all vigilance and do not believe misleading news. All together came forward against this epidemic and contributed. They
He appealed to the community leaders that your reach in rural areas is effective. You can carry out the responsibility of reaching the point of governance administration among the villagers. In order to prevent infection, it is necessary for the rural people to get vaccinated and to cooperate with the administration in this. For this, the community heads should come forward and make the villagers aware of the vaccination, make them aware of the benefits of vaccination and with this, alert them to the misleading news going on in newspapers and social media. Inspire the villagers in the areas where the vaccination is being done by the health department employees, so that the villagers can come forward to take the vaccine and also protect the family along with the infection. At the meeting, Collector Mr. Vineet Nandanwar said that the villagers usually hide the initial signs, After which the condition of infection becomes serious. Once the initial symptoms are detected, the person can be defeated immediately by the health facility, medicine available, and corona. Inform the nodal of the immediate area about the symptoms related to rural Kovid. By which they can be examined and provided with the necessary health care. He said that eminent persons of the society should play an important role in resolving the misconceptions about the Kovid infection in the minds of the villagers, they should give information about Kovid to the people in their village, Para, Mohalla, let them know about the measures to protect them from Kovid. Provide and encourage vaccination, so that all eligible people of the district can be vaccinated as soon as possible. Corona can be defeated by having the drug available. Inform the nodal of the immediate area about the symptoms related to rural Kovid. By which they can be examined and provided with the necessary health care. He said that eminent persons of the society should play an important role in resolving the misconceptions about the Kovid infection in the minds of the villagers, they should give information about Kovid to the people in their village, Para, Mohalla, let them know about the measures to protect them from Kovid. Provide and encourage vaccination, so that all eligible people of the district can be vaccinated as soon as possible. Corona can be defeated by having the drug available. Inform the nodal of the immediate area about the symptoms related to rural Kovid. So that they can be examined and made available to them by providing necessary health care. He said that eminent persons of the society should play an important role in resolving the misconceptions about the Kovid infection in the minds of the villagers, they should give information about Kovid to the people in their village, Para, Mohalla, let them know about the measures to protect them from Kovid. Provide and encourage vaccination, so that all eligible people of the district can be vaccinated as soon as possible.