Raipur: Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu through review of Gariaband district, said, Take decision based on past experience: Directive to strictly follow the lockdown to stop the high speed of Corona

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Raipur, 11 April 2021. Home Minister and Minister in charge of Gariaband district, Mr. Tamradhwaj Sahu, today took a meeting of departmental officers of Gariaband district through video conferencing from his residence office Raipur. He took detailed information on the current status of Kovid-19 in the district and lockdown preparations for the prevention of corona infection and the treatment arrangements for the present-day corona patients. He instructed the officials to increase the testing in the district and complete the ICU beds and ventilators.
    Minister Shri Sahu instructed to make Corona positive patients trekking and treat them by making Korentine Center at Block Headquarters. He instructed the officials present at the meeting to compulsorily register patients living in home isolation and to consult patients regularly over the phone. He also directed to increase the speed of corona vaccination being given to people above 45 years of age in the district and also to bring awareness of Kovid vaccination through various media. He directed the Superintendent of Police present in the meeting to strictly follow the lockdown going on from April 13 to April 23. Instructions have been given to take strict action against illegal liquor and drug traffickers in the lockdown. He has instructed to increase patrolling in all the outposts and police station areas of the district and also get patrolling done during the day.