Raipur: School children will get 40 days of ration in March and April also: Instructions for distribution of dry ration to district education officers.

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Raipur, 11 April 2021. According to the instructions of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel, dry ration is being distributed to all the school children of the state under the Mid-Day Meal Scheme even during the transition period. School Education Minister Dr. Premasai Singh Tekam said that according to the decision of the state government, the period of closure of the schools due to the transition of Kovid-19, from March 01 to April 30, a total of 40 school days, like the mid-day dry ration of school food. Food safety allowance will be distributed to children. Instructions have been given to distribute dry ration material to school or door-to-door as per convenience. Social distance between children or parents will be maintained during delivery. In this regard, Director Public Education Shri Jitendra Shukla has issued guidelines to all District Education Officers.

In a directive issued to the District Education Officers from the Directorate of Public Instruction, it has been said that the state government has issued an order to keep schools closed in the state till further orders to control the prevention of infection of corona virus (Kovid-19). Under the provision of Mid-Day Meal Rules, children are to be provided food security allowance during the period of school closure. Therefore, as a food safety allowance, children are to be distributed dry rice and other essential food items – pulses, oil, dry vegetables, etc., by the amount of cooking cast.

According to the guidelines issued for distribution of dry ration materials, according to the Guidelines of Mid-Day Meal Scheme, those children from class 1st to 8th, whose name is registered in government school, grant-in-aid government school or madrasa-Maktaba, should be given mid-day meal. Rice to children in dry ration distribution, The quantity of pulses and oil should not be less than the quantity prescribed by the Government of India. A large packet of all materials should be made per student by making separate sealed sealed packets of the materials to be supplied to the children. Food items to be distributed must be of high quality. Photographs should be taken before and after packing of the materials to ensure quality. Photographs related to the brand of the material and the material should be kept for a month for sample. So that any type of complaint can be investigated in relation to quality. In order to ensure the quality and quantity of materials to be distributed to children in each school in relation to drought ration distribution, an action plan should be made at the district level in such a way that it can be closely monitored for distribution of materials.

According to the information received from the School Education Department, in primary schools, 40 kilograms of rice per student, pulses 800 grams, ethics 250 grams, soybeans 400 grams, oil 200 grams and salt 250 grams are to be supplied for 40 days. Similarly, in secondary schools, 6 kg rice, pulses one kg 200 grams, pickle 400 grams, soybean 600 grams, oil 300 grams and salt 400 grams are to be supplied for 40 days. Rice for schools will be supplied through fair price shop as before.