Raipur : ‘Haribol’ women’s group setting milestone of success in forest areas

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Medicinal herb processing center Donganala has annual turn over of up to Rs 25 lakhs

This women’s group is earning an additional Rs 7 lakh every year

Raipur, 1 April 2021.  The ‘Haribol’ women self-help group is earning a good income from Medicinal Herb Processing Center Donganala, setting a milestone of success in the forest region. From this center, Haribol women group is earning an additional income of about 7 lakh rupees every year.
This Medicinal Herb processing center of Donganala is an active center of Pali zone under Katghora forest division. The group’s secretary, Ms. Saroj Patel, states that a total of 18 types of herbs are processed in their processing center. She told that the herbs such as Triphala Amalaki Churna, Ashwagandhadi, Shitalopadi and Panchasam Churna are mostly in demand.
About the annual Turn Over of the center, Ms. Patel says that if we get a good market opening, we trade herbal medicines worth up to Rs. 25 lakhs in a year. In the year 2018-19, this business amounted to about Rs 20 lakhs. This entire operation became possible because of the various schemes operated for collection and processing of minor forest produce under the initiative of state government.