Bijapur: Guidelines issued to protect against scorching heat and heat

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Bijapur 30 March 2021. In connection with the management, prevention of severe heat and heat, a directive has been issued by the Government of India regarding what to do and what not to do in view of the novel corona virus Kovid-19. Stay at home and listen to radio, watch TV, read the local weather and update on the status of the Kovid-19-newspaper for consultation. Drink as much water as possible, even if you are not thirsty. Those with possible diseases from epilepsy, heart, kidney or liver who take a fluid restricted diet consult a doctor before consuming liquids. Use light, light colored, loose cotton clothes, ORS, oral release solution, homemade drink lassi, Taurani rice water, lemonade, buttermilk etc. Avoid going outside. If it is necessary to go outside, dress your head, Hat or umbrella and cover the face. Avoid touching any surface as far as possible. Maintain physical distance of at least 1 meter from other persons. Wash hands frequently with soap and water. If there is no soap and water, use a hand sanitizer. Keep separate towels for each member of the household. Wash these towels regularly. Other precautions: Stay indoors as much as possible. Keep your house cool. Use curtains, shutters and open windows at night to protect yourself from sunlight. Try to stay on the lower floors. Use fans, dampen clothes and bathe in cold water in excess heat. If you feel ill, have high fever, persistent headache, dizziness, nausea or disorientation, persistent cough, shortness of breath, then see your doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. If you have shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. If you have shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. If you have shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. If you have shortness of breath, see a doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. Moisten the clothes and take a bath in cold water in hot summer. If you feel ill, have high fever, persistent headache, dizziness, nausea or disorientation, persistent cough, shortness of breath, then see your doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink. Moisten the clothes and take a bath in cold water in hot summer. If you feel ill, have high fever, persistent headache, dizziness, nausea or disorientation, persistent cough, shortness of breath, then see your doctor immediately. Keep animals in the shade and give plenty of water to drink.
Don’ts- If you have to go out for necessary work then try to set your table during the cooling hours of the day. Avoid going out during extreme summer hours, especially between 12 noon and 3 pm. Do not go out barefoot or without covering your face and without covering your head. Avoid busy cooking during peak hours. Open doors and windows in cooking areas or kitchens to allow sufficient air. Avoid drinking alcohol, tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, which dehydrate the body. Avoid eating high protein, spicy and oily food, do not eat stale food. Without washing your eyes, Do not touch the nose and mouth. Avoid close contact with people who are ill. Do not go out in the sun when you are sick, stay at home. What do employers and workers do. Provide clean and cold drinking water at the workplace. Workers take care to avoid direct sunlight. If they have to work in the open such as agricultural laborers, MNREGA laborers etc. then make sure that they keep their head and face covered at all times. Set a time table for the day. Increase the duration and range of rest houses to work in the open. Pay special attention to the medical condition of pregnant women or workers. All workers cover the face 1 to 1 from others. Maintain a physical distance of 5 meters and get hands cleaned. Use soap and water to wash hands frequently. Instructions to be cautious before touching your face without washing your hands. Make provision in the afternoon or dinner time in such a way that there is a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters between two persons. Sanitation employees should cover their hands, wear masks and gloves. Masks should not be touched after wearing gloves. They should wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. Always follow social distancing. If anyone is ill, it should be reported to the duty supervisor. Must wear masks and gloves. Masks should not be touched after wearing gloves. They should wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. Always follow social distancing. If anyone is ill, it should be reported to the duty supervisor. Must wear masks and gloves. Masks should not be touched after wearing gloves. They should wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. Always follow social distancing. If anyone is ill, it should be reported to the duty supervisor.
Don’t – smoke or tobacco neither spit nor chew at the workplace. Do not join hands with each other nor embrace each other. Do not touch your face, especially the eyes, nose and mouth. Avoiding close contact with people who are ill. Do not go to work when you are sick, stay at home. Police and traffic police personnel are on duty during the day and wear cold jackets. Stop vehicles from people at some distance from you. Do not touch the documents you are checking. Avoid touching any surface as far as possible. As far as possible wash your hands regularly and thoroughly. If soap water is not readily available, use a hand sanitizer. Do not touch your face with unwanted hands. Wear a face mask at all times. Dispose of the masks that have been changed and used from time to time safely. Drink enough water, Drink water as often as possible even if you are not thirsty. Use protective tools. Try to stay in the shade, use sunglasses and sunscreen. As far as possible young personnel should be kept on traffic duty during the day. When you go home after work, take a bath and wash your used clothes thoroughly. Senior citizens should stay indoors as much as possible. Do not go to crowded places like parks, markets and religious places. Keep your house cool, use curtains and fans or coolers. Maintain cleanliness by regularly washing hands, before coughing and eating. If you feel ill and experience any of the following, then immediately call a doctor for high body temperature, body pain. Headache, dizziness, Nausea or disorientation. Shortness of breath. Unusually hungry. If you are supervising a senior citizen, help them regularly on hand. Ensure timely food and water intake. Use face cover to cover your nose and mouth while going to them. If you are suffering from things like fever, cough, breathing, then you should not go to a senior citizen. During that time, directions have been issued to ask someone else to visit them with full caution.